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Jumping Spider


The Jumping Spider, (Sitticus palustris), is a diurnal animal with excellent eyesight, that pursues its prey and leaps upon it. It has an all-round view of its surroundings because of its large, central, front eyes. It is about the size of a 20c piece when fully grown, with pin size legs. There are many different species but all jump and turn their heads separately from their bodies to look at objects. They live in houses and gardens and are most common in Summer, Australia wide. It is a roving spider but hangs from web lines at night. It rarely bites people and causes only mild local pain.


Australia has about 250 species of Jumping spiders. Tufts of hair behind their claws give the Jumping spider non-skid footing. A Jumping spider may high jump 20cm or more and can leap 25 times its own body length. Its trailing silken safety line keeps it stable in flight as well as catching it if it falls.

A male Jumping spider courts a female by "dancing" to display any special markings, like the Peacock spider. For more images of Peacock spiders by Michael Doe, click hereThe male of one Jumping spider, the Gliding spider can extend hair-fringed flaps from the sides of its abdomen which help it glide while leaping.

One of the main enemies of the Jumping spider is the spider-eating wasp. This wasp will catch Jumping spiders and stock their cells up with Jumping spiders as food for their larvae. 


On average, one cell may contain up to 10 Jumping spiders.

Jumping Spider
Male Maratus volans courtship

Hi! Glen this is a little guy named Tappy. Here are some shots see if you can use them.- Rich Swanner (Click for a larger view)

These 4 spiders are the Daring Jumping Spider found a lot in USA - Photos  - Rich Swanner

Click here for more photos of Jumping Spiders.

Information and pictures were taken from children's projects and where credited to that child does not claim to be original information. Where possible, permission to reproduce has been sought. Any infringement of copyright is purely unintentional.

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